Disk ARchive  2.7.14
Full featured and portable backup and archiving tool
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 archive.hppArchive class is defined in this module
 archive5.hppAPI v5 backward compatible class archive
 archive_aux.hppSet of datastructures used to interact with a catalogue object
 archive_listing_callback.hppDefinition of the user defined callback function used for archive listing
 archive_num.hppClass storing the position of an archive inside a database
 archive_options.hppThis file contains a set of classes used to transmit options to archive operation
 archive_options5.hppAPI v5 compatible archive_options_* classes
 archive_options_listing_shell.hppThis file contains shell_interaction options class for listing
 archive_summary.hppDatastructure returned by archive::summary_data
 archive_version.hppClass archive_version that rules which archive format to follow
 block_compressor.hppProvide per block compression/decompression independant from libthreadar but single threaded
 bzip2_module.hppPer block encryption using bzip2 algorithm/library
 cache.hppCache class
 cache_global.hppAdaptation of the cache class to the fichier_global interface
 candidates.hppHelper class for class data_tree to find the list of archive to restore for a given file
 capabilities.hppProvide information about current thread (underlying using the widthdrawn POSIX.1e API)
 cat_all_entrees.hppInclude file gathering all entree found in a catalogue
 cat_blockdev.hppClass used to record block special devices in a catalogue
 cat_chardev.hppClass used to record character special devices in a catalogue
 cat_delta_signature.hppClass used to manage binary delta signature in catalogue and archive
 cat_detruit.hppUsed to record information in a catalogue about a deleted file (differential backup context)
 cat_device.hppParent class for all special devices inodes
 cat_directory.hppClass used to organize objects in tree in catalogue as like directories in a filesystem
 cat_door.hppClass used in a catalogue to store solaris door filesystem entries
 cat_entree.hppBase class for all object contained in a catalogue
 cat_eod.hppObject exchanged with a catalogue (never stored in it) to signal the end of a directory
 cat_etoile.hppClass holding an cat_inode object that get pointed by multiple mirage objects (smart pointers) to record hard links in a catalogue
 cat_file.hppClass used to record plain files in a catalogue
 cat_ignored.hppClass used to remember that an entry has been ignored and shall not be recorded as deleted using a detruit object in a catalogue
 cat_ignored_dir.hppClass used to remember in a catalogue that a cat_directory has been ignored
 cat_inode.hppBase object for all inode types, managed EA and FSA, dates, permissions, ownership, ..
 cat_lien.hppClass used to store symbolic links in a catalogue
 cat_mirage.hppSmart pointer to an etoile object. Used to store hard link information inside a catalogue
 cat_nomme.hppBase class of all objects contained in a catalogue and that can be named
 cat_prise.hppClass to record filesystem (UNIX) sockets in a catalogue
 cat_signature.hppClass used to write and read from archive the type and status of each entry in a catalogue
 cat_status.hppDifferent status of data and EA
 cat_tube.hppClass to record named pipes in a catalogue
 catalogue.hppHere is defined the classe used to manage catalogue of archives
 command_line.hppRouting in charge of the command-line and included files parsing
 compile_time_features.hppNested namespace containing routines that give features activated at compile time
 compress_block_header.hppBlock header used for compression per block
 compress_module.hppAbstracted interface of per-block compression/decompression
 compression.hppCompression parameters for API
 compressor.hppCompression engine implementation
 compressor_zstd.hppStreaming compression implementation for zstd algorithm
 config_file.hppSpecific routines to manages included files's targets
 contextual.hppClass contextual adds the information of phases in the generic_file
 crc.hppClass crc definition, used to handle Cyclic Redundancy Checks
 crit_action.hppClasses that let the user define the policy for overwriting files
 crit_action_cmd_line.hppRoutines to convert command-line overwriting criterium to their crit_action counterparts
 criterium.hppClasses that let the user define the policy for overwriting files
 crypto.hppCrypto algoritm definition
 crypto_asym.hppAsymetric cryptographical algoritms relying on gpgme
 crypto_module.hppPer block cryptography implementation
 crypto_segment.hppDefines unit block of information ciphered as once
 crypto_sym.hppClass crypto_sym for symetrical cipherings
 cygwin_adapt.hThin C adaptation layer to Cygwin specifities
 cygwin_adapt.hppThin C++ adaptation layer to Cygwin specifities
 dar.hppMain module for dar command-line tool
 dar_suite.hppRoutine to manage CLI's common initialization and ultimate exception catching
 data_dir.hppClasses used to store directory tree information in dar_manager databases
 data_tree.hppBase classes used to store entree information in dar_manager databases
 database.hppThis file holds the database class definition
 database5.hppThis file holds the database class definition as defined in API version 5
 database_archives.hppThis file stores the list of archives a database has been built from. it is part of the database header
 database_aux.hppSet of datastructures used to interact with a database object
 database_header.hppDefines the database structure in file
 database_listing_callback.hppDefinition of the user defined callback function used for database listing
 database_options.hppThis file holds the options for database operations
 datetime.hppThis file contains the definition of class datetime that stores unix times in a portable way
 deci.hppManages the decimal representation of infinint
 defile.hppHere is defined the defile class
 delta_sig_block_size.hppStructure used to define how to select block size for delta signature
 ea.hppSet of routines to manage EA values associated to a file
 ea_filesystem.hppFilesystem dependent Extended Attributes operations
 elastic.hppHere is defined the elastic class
 entree_stats.hppDatastructure holding the nature of file present in a given archive
 entrepot.hppDefines the entrepot interface
 entrepot_libcurl.hppDefines the implementation for remote filesystem entrepot using libcurl
 entrepot_libcurl5.hppDefines the implementation for remote filesystem entrepot using libcurl
 entrepot_local.hppDefines the implementation for local filesystem entrepot The entrepot_local correspond to the local filesystems
 erreurs.hppAll the excetion class thrown by libdar
 erreurs_ext.hppSome additional exception class thrown by libdar
 escape.hppClass escape definition, used for sequential reading of archives
 escape_catalogue.hppClass escape_catalogue definition. Used for sequential writing to archives, as well as several other inherited classes from catalogue.hpp
 etage.hppDefinition of the etage structure is done here
 fichier_global.hppClass fichier_global definition. This class is a pure virtual class class fichier_global is an abstraction of files objects whatever is their localisation like local filesystem, remote ftp server, etc. inherited classes (like fichier_local) provide full implementation
 fichier_libcurl.hppClass fichier_libcurl definition. This is a full implementation/inherited class of class fichier_global this type of object are generated by entrepot_libcurl
 fichier_local.hppClass fichier_local definition. This is a full implementation/inherited class of class fichier_global this type of object are generated by entrepot_local
 filesystem_backup.hppFilesystem_backup class realizes the interface with the filesystem for backing up
 filesystem_diff.hppClass filesystem_diff makes a flow of inode to feed the difference filter routine
 filesystem_hard_link_read.hppFilesystem_hard_link_read classes manages hardlinked inode read from filesystem
 filesystem_hard_link_write.hppClass filesystem_hard_link_write keeps trace of already written inode to restore hard links
 filesystem_ids.hppGather the ids of different filesystem to provide a filter based on filesystem
 filesystem_restore.hppClass filesystem_restores create inodes from a flow of libdar objects
 filesystem_specific_attribute.hppFilesystem specific attributes
 filesystem_tools.hppSet of tools used by filesystem_* classes
 filtre.hppHere is all the core routines for the operations
 fsa_family.hppFilesystem specific attributes available families and fsa_scope definition
 generic_file.hppClass generic_file is defined here as well as class fichier
 generic_file_overlay_for_gpgme.hppAdaptation class from gpgme data buffer to libdar generic_file interface
 generic_rsync.hppClass generic_rsync provides a generic_file interface to librsync
 generic_to_global_file.hppThis class provides an fichier_global interface for any type of generic_file object
 get_version.hppRoutine to initialize libdar and manage its running threads
 getopt_decision.hSwitch routine to define which file to include based on the result of the configure script
 gf_mode.hppGeneric modes to open file
 gzip_module.hppPer block encryption using gzip algorithm/library
 hash_fichier.hppClass hash_fichier definition
 header.hppSlice header structure is defined here
 header_flags.hppArchive header flag field management
 header_version.hppArchive global header/trailer structure is defined here
 heap.hppHeap data structure (relying on FIFO)
 hide_file.hppClass of base to split files in words
 i_archive.hppArchive class implementation is defined in this module
 i_database.hppThis file holds the definition of class database implementation (pimpl idiom)
 i_entrepot_libcurl.hppDefines the implementation for remote filesystem entrepot using libcurl
 i_libdar_xform.hppAPI for dar_xform functionnality
 infinint.hppSwitch module to limitint (32 ou 64 bits integers) or infinint
 int_tools.hppElementary operation for infinint integers
 integers.hppAre defined here basic integer types that tend to be portable
 label.hppDefine the datastructure "label" used to identify slice membership to an archive
 libdar.hppMain file of the libdar API definitions
 libdar5.hppBackward compatibility to libdar API 5
 libdar_slave.hppAPI for dar_slave functionnality
 libdar_xform.hppAPI for dar_xform functionnality
 limitint.hppReviewed implementation of infinint based on system limited integers
 line_tools.hppSet of general command line targeted routines
 list_entry.hppClass of objects describing an entry in the archive, used by archive::get_children_in_table
 lz4_module.hppPer block encryption using LZ4 algorithm/library
 lzo_module.hppPer block encryption using LZO algorithm/library
 macro_tools.hppMacroscopic tools for libdar internals
 mask.hppHere lies a collection of mask classes
 mask_list.hppHere lies a mask that selects files present in a given list
 mem_block.hppStructure to hold block of memory and manipulate in coherence with idexes and sizes
 mem_ui.hppClass mem_ui definition. This class is to be used as parent class to handle user_interaction object management
 memory_file.hppMemory_file is a generic_file class that only uses virtual memory
 my_config.hInclude macro defined by the configure script and some specific additional ones
 my_getopt_long.hMay lead to the definition of getopt_long to solve declaration conflicts in <unistd.h> and <getopt.h>
 mycurl_easyhandle_node.hppUsed to optimize session creation done by libcurl
 mycurl_easyhandle_sharing.hppUsed to optimize network session establised by libcurl
 mycurl_param_list.hppWrapper for element a CURL* object can receive as parameter in order to be put in etherogeneous list
 mycurl_protocol.hppDatastructure defining the network protocols available for entrepot_libcurl class
 mycurl_slist.hppWrapper of the curl_slist struct to allow usual copy/move on C++ object
 nls_swap.hppSet of macro to change the NLS from user application domaine to libdar domain and viceversa
 no_comment.hppClass that transparently strips out the comments from configuration file
 null_file.hpp/dev/null type file implementation under the generic_file interface
 op_tools.hppTools helper for overwriting policy management
 parallel_block_compressor.hppProvide per block and parallel compression/decompression
 parallel_tronconneuse.hppDefines a block structured file
 path.hppHere is the definition of the path class
 pile.hppClass pile definition. Used to manage a stack of generic_file objects
 pile_descriptor.hppOptimization structure to quickly access some commonly used layers of a stack of generic_file
 proto_compressor.hppAbstracted ancestor class for compressor and parallel_compressor classes
 proto_generic_file.hppPrecursor class of generic_file used to avoid cyclic dependencies with storage and infinint
 proto_tronco.hppDefines common interface for tronconneuse and parallel_tronconneuse
 range.hppClass than provide a way to manipulate and represent range of integer numbers (infinint)
 real_infinint.hppOriginal infinint class implementation
 sar.hppSar and trivial_sar classes, they manage the slicing layer
 sar_tools.hppSet of tools aims to help Segmentation And Reassemblement (sar) class
 scrambler.hppDefinition of the scrambler class, a very weak encryption scheme
 secu_memory_file.hppSecu_memory_file is a generic_file class that only uses secured memory (not swappable and zeroed after use)
 secu_string.hppThis file contains the definition of secu_string class, a std::string like class but allocated in secure memory
 semaphore.hppDefinition of class semaphore, used to manage invocation of backup hook for files
 shell_interaction.hppUser_interaction class used by default
 shell_interaction_emulator.hppWrapper class that given a user_interaction send it the shell_interaction formatted output
 slave_zapette.hppRemote control for dar_slave
 slice_layout.hppObject describing the slicing of an archive
 smart_pointer.hppTemplate class implementing memory efficient smart pointer
 sparse_file.hppClass sparse_file definition, used to handle holes in files
 statistics.hppClass handling access to the data summary of treated files after and during each operation
 storage.hppClass that permits arbitrary large data storage
 terminateur.hppTerminateur class which defines the position of the catalogue
 thread_cancellation.hppTo be able to cancel libdar operation while running in a given thread
 tlv.hppGeneric Type Length Value data structures
 tlv_list.hppList of Generic Type Length Value data structures
 tools.hppSet of general purpose routines
 trivial_sar.hppTrivial_sar classes manages the slicing layer when single slice is used
 tronc.hppDefines a limited segment over another generic_file
 tronconneuse.hppDefines a block structured file
 trontextual.hppClass trontextual is a contextual variant of class tronc
 tuyau.hppDefines the implementation of pipe under the generic_file interface
 tuyau_global.hppSeekable pipe on top of another fichier_global
 user_group_bases.hppDefines class that speed up the uid to username and gid to group name lookup
 user_interaction.hppDefines the interaction interface between libdar and users
 user_interaction5.hppAPI v5 backward compatible class user_interaction
 user_interaction_blind.hppDefines the interaction between libdar and a non communcant "blind" user
 user_interaction_callback.hppDefines the interaction between libdar and the user based on callback functions
 user_interaction_callback5.hppAPI v5 backward compatible user_interaction_callback class
 wrapperlib.hppLibz and libbz2 wrapper to have identical interface to these libraries
 xz_module.hppPer block encryption using xz algorithm/library
 zapette.hppRemote control between dar and dar_slave
 zapette_protocol.hppProtocol management between archive and libdar_slave classes
 zstd_module.hppPer block encryption using zstd algorithm/library