#!/bin/sh if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" -o -z "$3" -o -z "$4" -o -z "$5" -o -z "$6" -o -z "$7" ]; then echo "This script is expected to be run from dar this way:" echo "dar ... -E \"$0 %p %b %n %e %c \" ..." echo "where %p %b ... %c are to be used verbatim, while is to be" echo "replaced by the path of the mounted filesystem to monitor" echo "and by the minimum space required to store a full slice" exit 1 fi SLICE_PATH="$1" SLICE_BASENAME="$2" SLICE_NUMBER="$3" SLICE_EXTENSION="$4" DAR_CONTEXT="$5" MOUNT_POINT="$6" SLICE_SIZE="$7" FREE=`df $MOUNT_POINT | grep '/' | sed -re 's/.*[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+[0-9]+%.*/\1/'` while [ $FREE -le $SLICE_SIZE ]; do FREE=`df $MOUNT_POINT | grep '/' | sed -re 's/.*[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+[0-9]+%.*/\1/'` echo Free space on $MOUNT_POINT is $FREE KB echo "Waiting for disk change... Press enter when ready to continue!" read i done echo "Continuing with slice $SLICE_NUMBER"